These three fluffy foster kittens loved to make mischief, especially Mopsy, an attention-seeking calico kitten.
Fluffy hitchhikers
Dannielle, a kitten foster mom and founder of Southon Rescue, was on her way to a nearby shelter around Easter time. She meant to get just one kitten, but she ended up with a few “hitchhikers” too.
These were the kitten siblings Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-Tail. They had been coming into the shelter right when Dannielle arrived, so she decided to take them along.
The three kittens were very vocal and complained a lot as Dannielle rescued and bathed them. They were about four weeks old, still bottle bottle babies, and according to Dannielle, they were “so flipping fluffy!”
Mischievous Mopsy
One of the spunkiest kittens in this trio was Mopsy, a cute and very dramatic calico kitten.
She made her foster mom’s life interesting by getting into all sorts of mischief, like meowing loudly at 2 AM for attention, falling asleep in the food bowl, pushing her brother to steal his spot, and “generally having a calico attitude.”
Mopsy’s siblings weren’t perfect little angels either. Sometimes they liked to join her in her mischief, and sometimes her brother would get back at her by stealing her spot instead.
Mopsy also loved attention and would do anything to get it. She would curl up in Dannielle’s lap for naps and cuddles.
Mopsy got some time to be even more spoiled when Dannielle went on a trip and left her in the care of a kitten sitter who gave her tons of attention. When Dannielle came back, she could have sworn Mopsy was upset that she wouldn’t be so spoiled anymore. She said:
“I should have named her Tinkerbell…because she very much acts like she’ll die without attention.”

In June, Dannielle announced that Mopsy and her siblings had been adopted. She had loved her journey with the kittens, from when they were “messy, noisy little beans” to when they were grown-up, beautiful kittens. She said:
“I’ve never had a crew that loved to snuggle so much, or were so willing to give their love.”
Mopsy especially loved snuggling. And she was so willing to give her love, or maybe she just understood that the more love she gave the more attention she got. No matter her motivations, she was certainly a sweetie!
Dannielle was so proud of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-Tail. She was looking forward to their adopters keeping in touch with updates. She said:
“I can’t wait to keep watching them grow up, and see all of their adventures.”