A garbage collector rescued three kittens that were cruelly discarded in the trash

Terrance Taylor, a sanitation worker in Lebanon county Pennsylvania, discovered three discarded kittens in a trash can during his daily route and rescued them from their terrible situation.

Taylor posted a TikTok video to his account that documented the dramatic rescue of the three ginger kittens and the footage captured hearts across the internet with people sharing their admiration of Taylor’s heroic act.

A strange noise

Taylor explained to his followers that he was completing his usual garbage collection in a suburban area that he visits daily when he heard a strange noise coming from the back of his truck. Describing the unusual sound, Taylor recounted:

“I hear this—it’s kind of hard to describe—a high-pitched, muffled noise.” 

Investigating the noise, Taylor looked at the debris in the back of his truck and was shocked when he realized that one of the trash bags was moving. He explained:

“As soon as I saw that, obviously I lift the bag up, and boom, there’s the orange kitten number one.”

As shown in the viral clip, a little ginger kitten pokes their head out from under the trash and meows pleadingly at Taylor, seemingly asking to be rescued from the heap of garbage that someone had callously dumped them in.


Things you find in garbage! That you shouldn’t find in garbage!!Found a total of 3! 😡#catrescue #savethekitten #kittensaved #rescued #rescueanimals #rescuekitten #rescuecat

♬ original sound – TURBOTERRY77

More than one

Taylor pulled the little kitten from the garbage debris and carried her to the passenger side of his truck, laying her safely down on the seat.

No sooner had Taylor righted the little rescue kitten in the front of his cab than he heard more meows coming from the back of his truck.

When he returned to the heap of garbage bags and dug through the trash pile he discovered two more disheveled kittens pleading for help. 

Taylor to the rescue

Once he had the three little discarded kittens in his truck, Taylor headed straight to his local humane society to have them checked out by a vet.

The vet shared that the kittens were about three weeks old and in relatively good health, except for being underweight and having matted patches of fur.

Unfortunately, the kittens had been taken from their mother far too soon and were not yet weaned and so they would require twenty-four care.

The humane society took in the three little kittens, whom they named Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clover, and set about finding a foster home for them.


part 2!! There was l a total of three kittens. They are all doing well! I would like to thank everybody for the love and support you have shown. Gives me hope that there is still humanity out there with all your support!! Much Love to you all!#rescuecat #rescuekitten #rescueanimals #rescued #kittensaved #savethekitten #catrescue

♬ Paradise – Ikson

A happy ending

In a follow-up video, Terrence Taylor shared that the three lucky kittens had been placed in a foster home with a mama cat who had just given birth to a litter and was happy to accept Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clover as her own.

Thankfully despite the cruelty of the person who dumped the sweet kittens in the garbage they look set to live happy and healthy lives.

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