A woman bids farewell to her dying cat and then learns the surprising truth

Any pet owner dreads the moment they will have to say goodbye to their beloved companion. When the time comes, each person reacts differently, but the pain remains the same.

A TikTok user who goes by @yammananna had to endure this painful process, but her story had an unexpected ending: her cat is still very much alive today.

@yammananna, whose real name is Rosalynn, shared a video on TikTok narrating her ordeal. In the clip, Rosalynn explained that her elderly feline wasn’t feeling well for the past few days.

Not only did the cat look like he was in agony, but also, he stank. Horribly.

Feeling for him, the cat’s parents let him sleep in their bed despite the stench. Rosalynn likens the odor to “satan’s ballsack,” although obviously, neither she nor we can confirm this comparison’s accuracy. Viewers will have to take her word for it.

Before tucking the senior puss into bed, Rosalynn had made him a delicious chicken dinner. Then, she spent the day spoiling him as much as she could.

Furthermore, Rosalynn had the support of friends who were empathic toward her feline’s pain. The devastated pet owner shared:

“People visited. He had a great last day.”

The unforeseen plot twist

Finally, Rosalynn was ready to send her furry friend to a better pasture. The woman and her partner took the ailing feline to the vet, thinking this might be his last journey, except it wasn’t.

“Toothache,” sums up Rosalynn in the second part of her video. It turned out that the dramatic feline was nowhere close to death; he just had dental problems, nothing a good treatment couldn’t fix.

The vet took care of the animal and returned him to his owners along with an eye-watering vet bill for $410. Sure, the grim reaper would come to take the old cat one day, but that day hadn’t arrived yet.

The feline was back on his feet a few days after his treatment, although he still occasionally drooled. While relieved, his owners couldn’t help but be perplexed by the turnaround of the situation.

Rosalynn’s tale had viewers on Tiktok in tears and giggles, and many flocked to the comments section to express their feelings, a user by the name of @sophierose4529 said:

“I went from aww to laughing a lot,”

Another user @BeebBarbera concluded: 

“This is why people say cats have nine lives they just keep living out of spite. Refuse to die😩😂❤️”

Several commenters had similar experiences with their pets, @user7774301300870 added:

“The same happened to my boy Bruno! We thought he was having a stroke/ on his way out, needed two teeth out 🤦🏻‍♀️💗”

Dental Disease in Cats

Cornell Feline Health Center reports that gum and tooth problems are prevalent in cats. According to studies, 50 to 90 percent of cats older than four have a dental illness.

Fortunately, the most prevalent types of these diseases may be mostly avoided or treated with proper preventative dental care and monitoring.

Gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth resorption are the three most common dental problems in cats, and the severity of each ailment can differ significantly.

Cats with dental illness can experience pain and discomfort, lowering their quality of life. In addition, a cat with dental disease frequently stops eating, resulting in several health issues.

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