Simon and Sabastian, a bonded pair of cat brothers, were always hugging each other. Their owner couldn’t help but adopt them both together and let them keep cuddling for the rest of their lives.
The cuddling strategy
Colleen Green, Simon and Sabastian’s owner, first met the cats through her friend, who had recently bought a new home. In an article by the Dodo, Colleen said that a stray cat had kittens on her friend’s porch shortly after they had moved in.
Colleen’s sister ended up taking the kittens, hoping to find good homes for all of them. Colleen visited often to see the kittens, and she was especially drawn to “the little fluffy orange guy named Simon…who had such a spunk.”
She fell in love with little Simon, and she planned to adopt him herself. But she was in for a surprise: there was another kitten who wanted in. Colleen told the Dodo:
“I’d go to visit Simon and when I’d pick him up, the shy, fluffy black one started jumping up into my arms along with Simon. They’d wrap their arms around each other and just gaze with such love at me. If I said anything, they’d move their little heads in tandem like they were one.”
It was like Sabastian, the black kitten, was Simon’s fluffy shadow. She couldn’t take Simon without bringing Sabastian too.
She put up a fight for some time, telling the kittens that she was sorry, but she only had room for one of them. But they fought back with their own clever strategy, snuggling and being adorable together every time she came to visit.
How could she resist? She ended up adopting both of them.

Endless cuddles
Even after they had successfully found a home together, Simon and Sabastian continued to be just as cuddly as ever. Colleen said:
“They were just so connected. I described them as night and day, complete opposites, yet they needed each other to be whole. When I had them neutered, the vet said they complained so much they had to break protocol and put them to recover in the same cage.”
They never left each other’s side. Colleen loved both of them equally, and she loved that, despite their different personalities, they had such a strong connection.

Simon and Sabastian spent a long, happy life together before they both passed away. Simon went first, at 16 years old. Colleen said that “Sabastian wouldn’t let his brother leave without him. He passed less than a month later.”
They may be gone now, but because Colleen adopted both of them, they were able to live their best lives together. And, wherever they are, they surely are still together. Colleen said:
“I know wherever they are, they’re hugging.”