Kitten’s emotional reunion with her dog best friend will warm your heart

Bobbie, a tomcat, and Winnie, a doggy, developed a strong attachment during the short time they spent together living in the same house.

When Bobbie had to leave, it was a terrible blow to the pair — but the moment they reunited will warm your heart.

April Butler has a soft spot for critters. Winnie, her red Australian cattle dog, is an integral part of April’s life. Additionally, April and her partner foster rescue animals waiting for adoption.

In April 2017, April took in and cared for a six-week-old kitten still looking for its forever home. Far from being spooked by the newcomer, Winnie struck a solid friendship with the kitty.

In an interview with La Stampa, April said:

“Winnie and Bobbie soon became inseparable friends after forming a very endearing relationship. It was wonderful to give Winnie a furry friend.”

The calmer dog found great support in the freewheeling and jovial demeanor of the puss. According to April, the pets didn’t mind playing all day long if given the opportunity.

Four months later, a lovely couple expressed their interest in Bobbie. Winnie was utterly heartbroken when the feline finally found a permanent home.

Following Bobbie’s leaving, the puppy searched every corner of the house for her pal.

“She would wait for Bobbie at the entrance to the laundry area, which was where she usually slept. “April revealed.

Since there was no sign of the kitten, Winnie finally came to terms with the fact that Bobbie was gone for good.

The touching cat and dog’s reunion

In the meantime, April and Bobbie’s new owners had remained in contact. Thus, the adoptive couple immediately thought of the young woman when they sought a pet sitter to welcome the cat during their upcoming vacations.

A grown-up Bobbie spent the next few days in April’s home after returning there. The woman was curious about how Winnie and Bobbie would interact and whether or not they would recognize one another.

She took every safety measure possible, beginning with introducing the animals one at a time via an opaque glass door.

However, as the next video demonstrates, there was no need to exercise such extreme caution. The two pets reunited like old friends.

“I was astounded by Winnie’s enthusiasm and by how fast she recognized Bobbie even though he had significantly changed over the years,” said April

The cat sitter could witness firsthand the love that Bobbie and Winnie share. She described the experience as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

From now on, both owners have agreed that Winnie and Bobbie will spend their vacation together.

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