Ivar spent a long time looking for a forever home.
He was found as a kitten in a field on Galveston Island in Texas, and didn’t seem to have any socialization, so was most likely put out to die or abandoned by his mother.
This made him quite aggressive, which is understandable considering that as a blind kitten alone in the wild he had to survive by himself.
But unfortunately it also hurt his chances at getting adopted.
That is, until Yvette came along.
A wild cat
The first time Yvette met Ivar, he bit and scratched her.
The lady that ran the shelter said to Yvette “Oh he does that, he’s blind. You can have him for half price”.
And even though her husband thought she was mad, Yvette was sold on this half price wild cat!
Although he has calmed down a lot in the years that he has found his forever home, Ivar is still quite guarded and likes to keep to himself.
But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t bring Yvette and the rest of the family joy.
Ivar’s shocked appearance is the result of his blindness, which requires eye drops to make sure his eyes don’t get too dry.
But otherwise, he seems unencumbered by his condition.

Full house
Ivar also has a lot of company, even if he might not always appreciate it!
Yvette has adopted several feline friends, the first one after Ivar being a Maine Coon named Alice.

Then the extra special Toad – a cat with radial hypoplasia.

And then there’s the siblings Jenni and Fred who have Tibial Hemimelia, a congenital condition (in their case) that effects the musculoskeletal system which causes them to lose the use of their back legs.
This beautiful cat family that Yvette has gathered together are a band of misfits, and they all get along great despite their differences.
But make no mistake, Ivar still reigns as King.
He is the original, the one who started it all for Yvette, and he definitely knows it!