This is the story of a confused kitten who goes by the name GG aka ‘gray goat’, who believes that goats are his brethren. The kitten surprised Jan Goswick and her husband one day when the little gray interloper suddenly appeared in their goat pen.
Jan began posting GG’s hilarious goat antics on TikTok and the rambunctious little kitty soon became a viral star.
A goat haven
Jan Goswick and her husband first began keeping Nigerian Dwarf goats in 2020, swiftly falling in love with the gentle animals, and they now keep several goats on their two and a half acres of land.
The couple had recently suffered the sad loss of one of their beloved goats named Marvin when GG suddenly appeared within their goat pen. The unexpected arrival of the energetic kitten would prove to be exactly what was needed to bring back happiness and harmony to the Goswick’s goat haven.
An unexpected visitor
Goswick recounted to Bored Panda how she got a shock when she went to inspect a gray ball of fluff on one of her goat hammocks and discovered that it was a kitten!
When Goswick reached for the kitten he ran from the pen and disappeared into the surrounding overgrowth. She assumed that the curious little visitor had returned to his home but no less than thirty minutes later she spotted the cheeky kitty lazily sunning himself beside her goats.
No home of his own
As the little gray kitten began to set up home in the goat pen, Goswick tried to discover if he had a home of his own and began asking her neighbors if they were missing a kitten.
She could not find anyone who had lost a kitten, or who had heard of anyone losing one and so she began to accept that GG was here to stay and had chosen their family for a reason.
A sad loss
Goats are social beings and need to be kept in pairs, the Goswick’s goat Marvin who passed away had been adopted with his closest companion Peanut, who had been left devastated by his sudden death.
Jan Goswick shared with Bored Panda the fears that she had for Peanut after Marvin’s passing, saying:
“Goats cannot be alone, they must be with at least one other goat,”
“Many people do not understand how fragile goats are, but they are very fragile. I knew the stress of losing Marvy, and Peanut being alone may kill him.”
Restoring joy
When GG decided to join Goswick’s goat family and began integrating himself into the small herd, he had no idea how much his presence was required. By becoming ‘one of the goats’ GG injected some sorely needed joy into Peanut’s life.
Goswick explained that GG was the savior they needed, telling Bored Panda about how the little kitten became inseparable from the goats and restored Peanut’s joy, saying:
“He followed them everywhere they went, played with them, teased them, and would sleep with them at night. It wasn’t until GG showed up, that Peanut started acting like his old self again.”
Goat days are over
Unfortunatly for GG, his outdoor antics in the goat pen led to him developing a serious eye infection, and the vet told Goswick that for his health GG would need to become a house cat.
The little gray kitten’s goat days were over. GG took the separation from his goat brethren very hard and longed to return to his goat family.
Pickles to the rescue
To help GG adapt to the life of an indoor cat, the Goswicks adopted a cat named Pickles, who became fast friends with the energetic gray kitten.
With the help of Pickles’ friendship, GG began to enjoy life as an indoor cat and feel less lonesome for the great outdoors, spending his days cuddled up with Pickles.

An unbreakable bond
Despite his removal from the goat pen, GG still gets to enjoy time with his goat friends with whom he shares an unbreakable bond. The smallest goat kids in the herd spend time inside the house during the day and GG gets to keep them company while staying safely indoors.
Jan Goswick is hopeful that GG will grow to love his life as an indoor cat and have a happy future with them, having told Bored Panda:
“GG will remain an indoor cat, with his BFF Pickles, and, hopefully, live a very long and happy life with us.”