Jack the cat was found as a kitten in a “small dirty tool shop” surrounded by un-neutered cats. So many cats were living in this shop that two litters of kittens ended up being born within two weeks of each other.
It’s safe to say that the health condition of the cats that were found was not good. None of the cats or kittens found had been taken to the vet, nor were they being looked after.
Out of the two litters rescued from the shop, only Jack and one of his siblings survived, and even then they weren’t in great shape.

An eye for an eye
Dominique began fostering both Jack and his brother once they were rescued.
They were both suffering from a bad virus/upper respiratory infection and were covered in fleas.
After a lot of attentive care, they started to show improvements, but Jack’s eye had already been ulcerated when he was found and it wasn’t clearing up.
Dominique did everything she could to try to save his eye, but one day it burst and had to be removed in emergency surgery.

The surgery went great and Jack made a swift recovery, his wound healed perfectly.

Forever home
Dominique ended up falling in love with little one-eyed Jack and decided to keep him. It’s not hard to see why, Jack was one cute kitten, and he kept his cuteness as he grew older.

Dominique made sure to get him neutered when the time came, and even told the Former Fosters Instagram account that the shop that Jack was rescued from had since spayed and neutered all the cats there.
This will ensure that no more litters of kittens are born to die, uncared for.
As Jack grew and came out of his shell after his ordeal, his sweet personality began to show.

Dominique spoils him, as she should, with treats and tuna – his favorite thing.
Jack is now safe and sound in his forever home.