This cat and monkey are the best of friends

A capuchin monkey and a cat have become best friends who share an incredible bond. Zhoto, a three-year-old male cat, and Izzy, a 10-year-old female black-capped capuchin monkey, are completely smitten with each other.

Both pets live with Malaine and Tom Courser in the US. Despite their different species, the pals are inseparable, sleeping side by side, playing together, and grooming each other.

Malaine Courser told Metro that Izzy and Zhoto are in perfect harmony, they never bite each other or fight. Malaine and Tom wished Izzy would grow accustomed to kittens, but they never expected her to form such a close relationship with Zhoto.

Izzy the monkey finds a home

Izzy and Zhoto like to play in the yard together and chase the neighboring cats. They’re constantly plotting shenanigans and creative ways to pass the time. Ten years ago, the Coursers adopted Izzy when she was a newborn, and they’ve raised her as if she were their own daughter since, with Malaine telling Metro:

“She was two weeks old. They are very similar to human babies who are totally dependent on a caregiver.”

Malaine and Tom changed Izzy’s diapers every day, the couple fed her and doted on her. Whenever her caretakers weren’t around, Izzy crawled in her playpen. Malaine recounted the first time she saw Izzy climb to the top of her baby jungle gym, the owner said, ‘She was so proud’.

Izzy and Zhoto, best friends

Zhoto arrived in the Courser household three years ago, the couple wasn’t sure how the pets would interact at the time, so Zhoto’s behavior caught them off guard.

Zhoto began following Izzy around when he first spotted her. Furthermore, he rubbed his body against her to be caressed, the kitten seemed eager to befriend the monkey. Izzy was hesitant at first, but after a few minutes, she stopped fleeing and began to relax with Zhoto, brushing his fur with care.

That day, a great friendship was created and the two roommates have been napping together ever since.

Surprisingly there’s another cat in the house, a kitten named Millie, but she and Izzy aren’t that close. Izzy definitely prefers Zhoto’s company. The cat and the monkey have different eating habits, but their bond is so strong that Izzy shares her favorite meal, eggs, with Zhoto.

Malaine comments:

“Izzy eats chopped vegetables, nuts, and fruit. Zhoto eats dry cat food. But they both love cream and raw eggs.”

Sometimes Izzy grabs a cup and asks for vanilla cream to pour on the floor and share with her best friend. She also opens the refrigerator, takes an egg, and breaks it on the floor so that Zhoto can some. They greatly enjoy this routine and when they’re done, the floor is clean.

Without a doubt, this beautiful relationship shows us that friendship has no limits, and fans of the unlikely duo can’t get enough of them.

The Coursers have created an online shop where Izzy and Zhoto merchandise is available for purchase.

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